Thursday, August 23, 2012

New friend

Where do you find new friends? On the internet, naturally! And who makes the best friends? Your ex's hot new chick! Wait... um...
Well yeah it's odd. But who gives a hoot.
It takes awesome chick balls to email your fiances ex about your own wedding planning madness. How could I not share this fabulous email with you ladies?

Hi! I have a story for you that you might use on your blog someday…OR you could just laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

Sooo I found a seamstress on Craigslist and made an appointment to go see her. Since I’m the most paranoid person, I copied the phone number and address and emailed it to Jeff just letting him know, if I was found chopped up in tiny pieces, this would be the first place to investigate.

I show up for my appointment and straight away she’s like “Oh you should have never ordered a dress from overseas, they are nothing but problems" etc etc. She starts going on and on about a client she had one time and all the trouble they had getting this dress together, and her ramblings go on and on while shes circling me and telling me to “STAND UP STRAIGHT, SUCK IT IN”. She stops for a minute and is quite and just looks at me…I’m ready for her to tell him how awesome I look, and she continues on about this one client…”Oh she was so funny, Oh she her dress was so pretty, Oh she got married in the Islands, Oh she writes a wedding blog, You would love her….Let me see if I can find her name…” She disappears and I check my phone and theres a text message on there from Jeff…I guess he had googled this lady, found her website and read her reviews. The text says “LOL, Hartnett went to this lady and really liked her”.

Shes comes back down and I ask “Was her name Jessica XXXX”. I could see her little eyes light up…”YES!!!!!” You should meet her!”. Mmmm Hmmmm….

I got home that night and was like, “Dude, you’re not going to believe what happened to me today…I must Facebook her!”

I wound up not using her. Sold the dress and bought another one. I called her a week later to tell her I was going to find another dress, and she made sure to ask me if I had checked out your blog!! LOL. You’re Famous!!

Yeah. It's adorable. So let's call this "Make friends with your ex's new chick" weekend. Be brave, sweet brides. 

Happy planning!

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